Hello! Soooo, I had all these plans for a January TBR and everything but I ended up completely changing it. Not only that, but I've also decided on a bunch of the books I'd like to read for the first half of the year, so expect a post on that sometime soon. Anyway, I am still reading Tower of Dawn, but other than that my TBR has changed. Here are the new books I plan to read this January:
Book #2: The Language of Thorns
So, first up (after Tower of Dawn) is The Language of Thorns. I got this for Christmas and am so excited to see what new stories Leigh Bardugo has in store for me. Anything she writes is amazing, so I just know I'll love this!
Book #3: Daughter of the Pirate King
Not only am I excited for this because it seems right up my ally, what with it's incredibly powerful female lead with a take-no-prisoners attitude, but the sequel is coming out soon, too! I'm looking forward to this as well.
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